Time Zones

Time Zones

How does Snugg determine your time zone?

The time zone reflected on the Snugg availability you are currently viewing is relative to the time zone on your computer. If for any reason you would like to view availability from the perspective of a different time zone, you can achieve this by changing the time zone on your computer.


Changing your time zone for Mac users.

To change your time zone in Mac OS X, click on the Apple icon in the top left corner of your screen and select System Preferences. Choose “Date & Time” and on the map and select the desired time zone you would like to view calendar availability from.

Refresh the Snugg calendar page you wish to view with the adjusted time zone availability and it will now reflect the change you have made via your computer.

Changing your time zone for Windows users.

You can manually change your time zone in Windows 10 by selecting the Start button in the bottom left corner of your screen. Choose Settings, then select Time & Language and lastly select Date & Time. Select the desired time zone you would like to view calendar availability from.

Refresh the Snugg calendar page you wish to view with the adjusted time zone availability and it will now reflect the change you have made via your computer.


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