How Do I Get Paid?

How Do I Get Paid?

When you first create your Snugg account, you’ll be walked through linking your bank account to Stripe. After you’ve successfully linked your bank account, setup your Snuggery, sessions types and availability you’ll be able to start taking calls. Once you complete a call, the money charged to your guest is distributed into your Snugg account which can be deposited into your bank account.

Note: Money can take up to 2-3 business days after the call to become available and another 2-3 business days to be deposited into your account. You keep 90% of whatever you charge with 3% going to Stripe/credit card services and 2% going to Snugg.

To Get Paid Follow These Steps

  1. Getting paid on Snugg is easy! Navigate to the Snugg dashboard and click payments. 


  2. You’ll have both a pending amount and an available amount. 


3. Click “Get Paid” to payout on your available balance to your connected Stripe account. Note: It can take up to 3 days after a call ends for the pending amount to move to available.