Your time is valuable. Here we’ll use availability blocks to control your schedule by letting subscribers only book session types at times you set.

Creating Availability Blocks

After you’ve created an account, have been approved by Snugg, created your Snuggery and set up your Session Types the next step is to create your Availability Blocks. To create an availability block:

  1. Login to Snugg.

  2. From the Snugg Dashboard, click manage availability

  3. Select a date from the calendar. 

  4. Click “create availability block” and select the starting time of your availability block to when it ends.

  5. Next, click the drop down menu to select any session types you’d like to offer during this availability block. If you haven’t created any session types, click the link in the description to learn how. 

  6. Next, click the red “Add Availability Block” button. 

  7. You’ve now created an Availability Block.

  8. Add another availability block to this day or close the window to add another block to a different date.

  9. You can now determine when subscribers can book video chat sessions with you.

If you’ve already created your snuggery, linked your bank account, created session types and your availability blocks you’re finished! Click your unique Snugg link at the top of the page to copy and paste it anywhere you’d like. This includes sites like Twitter, Intagram, TikTok, your website, YouTube and anywhere you’d like to place it.

You’re now ready to start taking calls!